Tuesday, September 21, 2010

esteLica's tweet digest

Happy mid-autumn festival, its time for moon cakes again. Missing the bright paper lanterns and childish excitement of owning a Pokemon lantern. I wonder if anyone is lucky enough to be in the Orient this time of the year to tag me some pics? 

All is not lost! I did experience my own reunion tonight with fellow Schmoozers - and what a pleasant surprise to bump into an ex-colleague who just jumped on board recently. Stephanie was happily snapping away at our eggs throwing antics and the enlightened faces of those who ventured out of the dark room session. Quite the festivity you say? Definitely! All cloaked up within the refine ambiance of M16 Art gallery in Griffith. For those seeking to explore the South, why not make a definite stop at M16 after Old Bus Depot market? For the month of September M16 is exhibiting the works grotto artist, Richard Blackwell (richardblackwell.net)

At this session of SYPG - Schmooze Young Professional Group, I was lucky enough to meet the owner of art-meet-retail nouveau boutique owner of itrip iskip in Braddon. For those familiar with Braddon and its many funky shops like Bourgeois Pig and Unit Concepts, itrip iskip is located next to Debacle. Aside from the attractive layout of the shop & clever merchandising, there's just something about having art works in your shop which shout "try me on!" and "be part of the creative process!". What struck me next was Diana's no-pretense smile and gentle welcoming voice. Ladies and gents, be nice if you ever visit itrip iskip :) 

I think I might have also scored myself a personal stylist & a dance partner 

You can check out tonight's SYPG session at -  http://www.schmooze.net.au/site/oneevent.php?id=376

More soul digest next time 

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